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Euro Cuisine Heart Design Waffle Maker Features
- Color: Black & Chrome
- Size: 4.5"H x 8"W x 10"D
- Non Stick Surface
- Power & Ready to cook light
- Adjustable Temperature Control
Euro Cuisine Heart Design Waffle Maker Overview
What's sweeter than a waffle for breakfast? How about a heart shaped waffle! This charming waffle maker has non-stick plates and makes heart shaped waffles. Each round waffle can be split into 5 heart shapes! All you'll need is the syrup, and you'll have a romantic breakfast in a jiffy! The adjustable setting lets you control the cooking process and gives you the precision you need to make perfect waffles. Can be stored vertically, and the non stick plates mean clean up is a snap! Assembly level/degree of difficulty: No Assembly Required.
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